'You know I love you, please Klaus' you protest while falling down on your knees. In 1995 Miranda and Grayson Gilbert made a deal with a powerful witch to protect their only child from what the supernatural world might bring them, but that deal came with a price and a burden. So I'll do another survey. Language: English. The Madness Underneath by hybridlovelies (Rated M) After saving Klaus during homecoming, she finally decides to confront Damon. In the second season, Rebekah appears as a guest. Spells are tricky. Mikael and his family are once again in Mystic Falls, to break the curse binding the love of his eternal life, and their son's werewolf sides. You bit your lips not to answer him but there he was - the man you knew for the last two hundred years. Klaus quickly hurried to her side to save her from a tragic death. She knew Damon would be angry with her for showing up here but Ester had invited her not him. Prior to her transition into a vampire, she was known for her insecurities, which caused her to be excessively competitive, mainly with Elena. Klaus saved her life, turning her into a vampire. Tangled Up in Blue by idiot-wind89 (Rated M) A year after Elijah and Elena's wedding, Klaus and Caroline are reunited by a tragic set of life-changing circumstances. He was in love with [Katerina Petrova], the second doppelgänger of the Petrova doppelgänger bloodline. When the timer hits 0:00, Stefan tries not to attack Elena and tells her to run. Elena dates Liam briefly and she seems happy until she has to erase Liam's memories of their relationship. She is also one of the two last living doppelgangers in the world, with Stefan, who is a distant descendant and presumed to be the fourth doppelganger . This article, Katerina Petrova (Yuki's Lore), is the sole property of SaiyukiLover232 and cannot be used, edited, or referenced without their permission, with the exception of collaboration articles, whereas terms listed above are unserviceable. When they attack the village Elena lives in, they encounter some unexpected resistance in the form of a beautiful blonde. Like I said to one of my favorite authors; I've got a sick taste of OTP's. There aren't much fics about this pairing out there, and that makes me sad ;(. Caroline Forbes is a vampire and one of the main female characters on The Vampire Diaries. Title: Every Year Again Author: ellensmithee Rating: NC-17 Characters/Pairings: Stefan/Klaus, implied Damon/Elena Word Count: 1230 Warnings: Non/dub con, breathplay, restriction of movement, compulsion, character deaths, canon-typical violence, mild gore Summary: Klaus comforts Stefan after a nightmare. Follows Plot Of TV Show OC/Damon/Elena Elena/Damon/Stefan. Elena and Klaus. When Damon comes to Mystic Falls for Katherine he wasn't expecting to find Elenas older sister, Charlotte. "Why?" Caroline asks, wondering why on earth Klaus's mother would want anything to do with her. Next to Bonnie was Elena and next to Elena was Jeremy. The relationship between the cured vampire/human doppelgänger Elena Gilbert and the Original Vampire Elijah Mikaelson.. The relationship between the vampire, Damon Salvatore and the Original Hybrid, Niklaus Mikaelson. Since Stefan has his humanity switched off, she has to resort to taking care of herself in a more intimate manner. Elijah's Petrova. they strike some kind of deal and klaus ends up teaching art at a school. She is the youngest sister of Elijah Mikaelson, Kol . What is Klaus And Caroline Fanfiction Camille. # 1. He saves Ariana quickly, unknowingly letting Elena drown to her death. She is 23 and came home from New York when her parents died to take care of Elena, Jeremy, and even if she refuses the help, Jenna. Elena was in a romantic relationship with Stefan Salvatore, a 162 year old vampire, before . "Now, brother," Damon said, arching a finely shaped brow at him. He had eyes and ears everywhere. Hot. The 2nd time she found him in Chicago . Fanfiction. As the show progressed, some fans went over to the other side as Elena was battling her feelings for Damon. What used to always be messy and had papers everywhere was clean and dusty. With Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Steven R. McQueen. Published: 2015-10-07. 1. A Klaus, Elena, and Elijah story Chapter 1, a vampire diaries fanfic | FanFiction. TV Show: The Vampire DiariesSeason 3, Episode 22Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delenastimeline/Subscribe to my other channel: https://www.. AU/AH - Klaus owns a comic book store and Caroline is the pretty little thing that moves into the retail space next door. On the other side of Klaus was Caroline and next to her was Bonnie. Spiked in use thanks to Beyoncé's 2016 album, Lemonade. Sort by: Hot. The Originals, Katherine, and Sage didn't know what to do, they couldn't believe Klaus had killed Caroline's best friend. Elena during her childhood. I know. On either side of Rebekah were Kol and Klaus. Author: Jennifer Bird. Discussion. RELATED: 10 Hilarious Vampire Diaries Fan-Art Photos That Would Even Make Klaus Laugh. I will be gone before you can blink. Klaus later meets Elena at the Grill with Damon. Deal with the Devil Chapter 1, a vampire diaries fanfic | FanFiction. He waited for a while as Tyler and Matt joined Elena at Bonnie's side and Jeremy brushed her hair out of her face. Elena Gilbert is the main female protagonist of The Vampire Diaries. 162 Stories. Liz is Elena's twin sister. There was a draft, for the heat wasn't on. 6 Tom Avery Jacob Mikaelson (aka. Klaroline Fanfiction Week. - Since Damon wasn't bitten by Tyler during the Sun and Moon ritual, Stefan didn't make a deal with Klaus, never left Mystic Falls, and that whole "oh no, Stefan's a ripper" thing is null and void. I'm looking for a fic where the main OC actually has common sense and a brain instead of going all "uwu" at the sight of Damon/Klaus/insert any sexy vampire, and naturally and realistically doesn't immediately warm up to the idea of vampires etc They all sat in a circle. And the only point to being 17 is to get to 18. Tvd Kol Klaus Elijah Humour The Petrovas The Salvatores Rebekah Elena Gilberts Twin Gilbert Sister Damon. Vampire Diaries Fanfiction. Now, a 1000 years later. Anyway, Katherine actually left just to inform Elena and Damon that Klaus has the cure, so Klaus still has the bottle, and is ready to switch the deal. Being the older sibling and the most confident, Liz is able to fight for what she wants and for her family's safety. I have just started writing this Katherine/Elena fanfic. T, English, Romance & Supernatural, chapters: 2, words: 891, favs: 10, follows: 11, Jan 29, [OC, Mikael] [Klaus, Caroline F.] At first fans were rooting for Stefan and Elena as their love blossomed and had fans hooked. "Everyone changes. Do klaus and caroline end up together in the books - are not The Letter. Now Elena has 30 days to tie the knot, or else she must forfeit her crown to Lord Mikaelson. Finding the perfect guy was easy. Bella And Klaus. Elena's fraternal twin sister gets caught up in all the Mystic Falls drama. "Are you really going to leave Mystic Falls, Damon or was your promise a lie?" Stefan asked. Elena walked into Jenna's old room and it was empty. What if Elena had a secret she never told any supernatrual not even Salvatore's or Mikaelson. And then Klaus Mikaelson walks into her shop. A while before the ghost chaos, Ariana finds out who her birth parents are through her locket. "Are you really going to leave Mystic Falls, Damon or was your promise a lie?" Stefan asked. Elena shrugs, taking a drink of her Pepsi, "I don't know." Elena's brow furrows in frustration. This is a Klayley fanfic. 'Please don't do this' you begged him, tears flowing down your red cheeks. Also not romance centric please, if it does happen it's secondary and realistic. Caroline is the daughter of William Forbes II and Sheriff Elizabeth Forbes. And that's when plans for Lily and Damon's "perfect" day go straight to hell. KlarolineFanfictionWeek- Day6 - CANON Day. She is best friends with Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert andBonnie Bennett. He originally came to Mystic Falls to find the vampire who killed his wife, but learned that she . However, in Season One Elena learns that she was adopted and her biological parents are John Gilbert, her uncle, and Isobel Flemming. Alaric J. Through a drunken one-night stand with my . Elena was born on June 22, 1992, in Mystic Falls and lived there peacefully for 17 years, with her parents, Miranda and Grayson Gilbert, as well as with her brother, Jeremy.They led a quiet small town life, free of the supernatural. Read as she learns about the secrets in the town And as she falls in love with a certain blue-eyed Salvatore! Set After New Moon~ Bella's in deep depression once the Cullens leave and Charlie has no idea what to do about it, but then an idea comes to mind. Elena Isabella Petrova is nervous about ascending the throne of Bulgaria, but she figures she can handle it with her grandmothers help. Klaus and Caroline first met when he turned her werewolf boyfriend, Tyler Lockwood, into a Hybrid. "Ric" Saltzman is a human, vampire hunter, former history teacher at Mystic Falls High School and a former Enhanced Original, not by being one of the first vampires as the Mikaelson Family is, but instead being turned through an altered version of the spell used on the Mikaelson family. These are recommendations made by tropers for The Vampire Diaries fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page.Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.. Do warn when a fanfic may head into sexually explicit or non-canon territory. Elijah thought she'd died in winter of 1722 when Mikael appeared only to be reunited in France a month later.Upon finding them in NOLA Mikael before staking him said he'd killed her.Upon losing her the first time Elijah spent nearly every second looking for her. Since the whole who suits whom and who is the best love interest for Y/N with me personally is too big a deal, I need your help again. Her father is Tony Stark. The Originals: 20 Things Wrong With Klaus We All Choose To Ignore. Stefan and Elena struggle to rebuild and make a relationship under the watchful eye of Klaus who does not want the two together. This is slightly different for hybrids sired by Klaus. Klaus overpowers Alaric and flees . When Klaus catches Stefan he tells him to forgot his humanity. -mini sequel to Letting Go- Lily and Damon's wedding is fast approaching, and Elizabeth Salvatore is focused on making things go perfectly. All Stefan wants is to bring some sort of peace to Elena's new chaotic world and all Elena wants is the peace that comes with being with Stefan. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth being staked for here:. She's the daughter ofWilliam Forbes II and Sheriff Elizabeth Forbes. Damon/OC Klaus/OC Not much is known about her past but she met Klaus and Sophia when she was dying. However, there were things about this complex character that didn't always add up. The rebellious but intelligent twin. As part of any vampire transformation, a human must drink the blood of a vampire, perish, then drink human blood. With Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Steven R. McQueen. That is until Parliament finds a 300 year old law. Jake is the younger half brother of [Elijah Mikaelson], [Finn Mikaelson . When Nick Fury comes to Mystic Falls to get Diana the oldest Gilbert sibling to go to New York to meet her father. They all just sat there and stared at their friend. Look, I didn't even like 17. The fanfic is called "Katherine & Elena . She was a fashion designer in 1910. The people who Klaus invited are: Stefan, Damon, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Jeremy, Matt and Katherine (very VERY reluctantly). . Klaus, impressed with her skills, orders her taken as well. Elena looked into Jeremy's room to find him drawing in his notebook. Before fans saw Klaus Mikaelson in the flesh on The Vampire Diaries, his reputation preceded him. After he drinks their blood, Klaus gives Stefan a timer; if they don't find a way for Klaus to make hybrids in twenty minutes, Stefan will have to feed on Elena. No one knew that he had been watching them very clearly for weeks now. Klaus/Elena, I mean SERIOSULY? Elena didn't go to the ball alone but with her brother's Dean and Sam what. She looked at him and startled. can be an SI or OC, I don't mind, and preferably female. Elena was born on June 22, 1992 in Mystic Falls and for the first 17 years of her life, lived there peacefully for 17 years, with her parents, Miranda and Grayson Gilbert, as well as with her brother, Jeremy.They led a quiet small town life, free of the supernatural. It all started when Caroline received a hybrid bite from Tyler. "Yeah, and now, it's just a reminder that technically, I'm dead. She does missions with Avengers and then she goes back home to see her sister is a vampire and her brother is a vam. They later make a deal to help each other destroy their common enemy, Elijah's brother, Klaus. She listened to the noise of people talking and the soft music playing and contemplated turning around and going home. "The little girl I had met in one of my parties seems grown up, I guess.". Add to library 154 Discussion 22. Klaus walked around you as he studied your clothes - or your body. Bonnie has weird dreams with four coffins. 2 Season Three 2 Quotes 3 Trivia 4 Gallery 5 See also In Gonna Set Your Flag On Fire, when Klaus brings Cami to the safe house to hide from Finn, She is then introduced to Hope and left with Elijah to guard her while Klaus and Hayley return to New Orleans. Klaus know Damon actually hates Elena and is only pretending. She is also close . Klaus' reputation preceded him, and the man lived up to the legend. Caroline picks up a sword and defends her friend, managing to defeat Kol, but unable to stop the other pirates from grabbing Elena. Directed by John Behring. Jeremy hangs around with Tyler and invites him in his house. Prior to her transition into a vampire, she was known for her insecurities, which caused her to be excessively competitive, mainly withElena. Elena pushed Damon's arms away and walked toward the door, leaving Stefan and Damon alone. kelena katherinepierce tvd thevampirediaries elena elenagilbert delena vampire theoriginals klaus rebekah klena damonsalvatore stelena doppelganger katherine tvdfanfic fanfiction gilbert . Aria finds out that Klaus left. Katie Marshall. Stefan and Elena fanfiction 18 and up. She feels a hand tapping her shoulder and turning around she sees Klaus with his hand extending out towards her, "Dance with me." He says sweetly "And what makes you think I would even think about ag—" Klaus makes an agreement with Damon and Stefan to save Elena from Alaric. Length: 251 Pages. She spent time with Sophia and Klaus, learning the ways of being a . The price being price and the burden, Ella-Rose. Elena pushed Damon's arms away and walked toward the door, leaving Stefan and Damon alone. They were all too consumed by the thoughts of taking down Elijah and keeping the doppelganger safe. Chapter 1. Sophia Zariah Mikaelson is a extremely powerful elemental witch and the tritagonist as well as a heroine of The Originals Fanfiction.. She is the biological daughter of Qetsiyah and Agapios, the younger sister of Damien, the niece of Kayleigh, and was the ward of Andra.She is mother of an unnamed son and her twin daughters, Malia and Danielle including the former wife of Aaron. Elena stood outside the doors of the Klaus's large mansion channeling her bravery. Surprisingly even Klaus being a thousand year old vampire has no idea what a prison world is and neither does Elena. Fantasy , Romance. As of The Map of Moments, Rebekah is the daughter of Mikael and Esther Mikaelson. Until one night, when a certain original hybrid decides to meet her needs exactly the way she wants him to. Elena feels lonely, needy, and her libido isn't making things better. A year younger then Jeremy, but a lot smarter than both of her siblings. He lifted his chin up and looked right into your eyes. Tyler faces consequences of his actions as a hybrid. 8 Klaus Uses Elena As A Personal Food Supply. New. When Jennifer Fell gets the worst news of her life, she is faced with a decision, Stay in Mystic Falls on the Town Council, or go against her father's wishes and side with the Vampires. In 1995 Miranda and Grayson Gilbert made a deal with a powerful witch to protect their only child from what the supernatural world might bring them, but that deal came with a price and a burden. What happens when Bella moves to the lovely yet familiar town of Mystic Falls. This is the relationship betweenvampireCamille O'Connell and hybridHope Mikaelson. So in short Y/N will have two love interests in the Twilight world Markus who serves as a . And with the unbinding of the curse that held back Klaus' werewolf half, certain consequences arose. They blame each other for the situation they fight, they quarrel, but eventually their fights start to turn into quarrels, quarrels to jokes, jokes to flirting and . Adelaide was the twin who was always put after Elena, her friends liked Elena best, boys wanted to date Elena more, Elena this, Elena that, but the twins were still as close as ever. She is a distant descendant and is presumed to be the fourth and last living doppelgänger of Amara, the world's first immortal woman and the true love and soulmate of Silas. Not knowing why, her human side was kept making her half vampire-half human. This highlights that Elena, for a while, was happier without Damon and would have potentially been better off if they had remained apart. Elena and Jeremy have an older half sister. Caroline Forbes is a vampire and one of the main female characters on The Vampire Diaries. With whom can Klaus be most closely compared in terms of character and nature. This is my first fanfic ever, so please don't expect much. Stefan Salvatore Elena Gilbert. Author's Notes: Written for sunsetdawn20 in tvd_holidays. Elijah and damon fanfiction lemon Elijah and damon fanfiction lemon Elijah and damon fanfiction lemon quot Why did he have to go after Matt I don 39 t understand. When Alaric's about to kill Klaus, Elena begs him to stop and threatens to kill herself, revealing that the key to kill Alaric is to kill her as their lives are linked. Caroline receives a very special present fr. The New Deal: Directed by John Behring. A very special, very beautiful, very angelic girl. You rest both of your hands on your face to cover your eyes. "Now, brother," Damon said, arching a finely shaped brow at him. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works The relationship between Niklaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes. It's a filler year; I'm stuck in a filler year." Valerie looked at her sadly "You're not stuck, Caroline." Caroline sighed "Yeah I am, but it's okay. With Elena having a Salvatore on each arm, Liz gets a little jealous. She has always had a strong bond with her childhood friends, Elena Gilbert and Bonnie . I could have never predicted that I would find such unconditional love in the most unexpected of ways. THE VAMPIRE DIARIES ⧫ KLAUS MIKAELSON ⧫ BOOKE ONE ⧫ SEASON TWO / THREE ⧫ Adelaide Gilbert, Elena's twin sister. 8.7K 143 7. "All I want to do is make sure Elena's okay. She walks off the stage to be greeted by Elena and Bonnie engulfing her into an embrace while Damon and Stefan gives her applause. I will be gone before you can blink. They had yet to realize that their every move was being followed. Throughout all Season Three, they were sworn enemies and tried to assassinate each other (and many others) in all . Stephan meets Bonnie and asks her to hide the coffins of Klaus's family. The full story of Damon Salvatore and Elena Hey I was wondering if you heard of this fanfiction where Damon and Bonnie hold hands when the other side collapsed and woke up with a daughter and all their dead relatives. Caroline, Stefan, and Elena time travel to the time when the Originals were human! Kol couldn't believe what his brother had done to Bonnie. She is an 18 year old human girl who lives in the supernatural town of Mystic Falls, Virginia, with her adoptive brother/ biological cousin Template:Jeremy at 2104 Maple Street. Rebekah Mikaelson was a main protagonist in The Originalsduring the first season. Damon and Klaus first met at the end of Season Two, when Klaus came to Mystic Falls to break his curse - a process that required Elena Gilbert's death, which made the two enemies. TV Show: The Vampire DiariesSeason 3, Episode 22Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delenastimeline/Subscribe to my other channel: https://www.. Caroline did not want his help, believing that he would gladly watch her die but honestly he didn't . He is born from William Blackwell and [Esther Mikaelson] in the 10th century. - Stefan has no memory of his time with Klaus and Rebekah in the 20s. "All I want to do is make sure Elena's okay. But when a girl from Klaus' past shows up one day, Lizzie gets distracted. Before Elena walked out the door she turned to look at Elijah. However, in Season One Elena learns that she was adopted and her biological parents are John Gilbert, her uncle, and Isobel . They first meet when Rose kidnaps Elena in order to gain their freedom by handing her over to Elijah for the intention of using her as a sacrifice.. She also was a major recurring character and protagonist in The Vampire Diaries, during the third season andfourth season. The story starts at 3x10. In the end, Stefan has to make the choice to either save Elena or Ariana in the car crash. "Esther wants to talk to me." Elena says, and Damon and Stefan both have their attention on Elena now. Klaus tries to force Damon and Elena to seek out Stephan and compels Jeremy to stand up in front of a pick-up . Elena is a Winchester by NIkki. Elena could tell he was gonna ask her to tell him about her and Esther's meeting afterwords but before he could, she gave him a nod to say she will. Amy Gilbert is the little sister of Elena and Jeremy Gilbert, she's only sixteen. The price being price and the burden, Ella-Rose. You don't want to witness what was about to happen, you are too fragile for this. Klaus x Reader. Every purchase you make puts money in an artist's pocket. Klaus and Elena find themselves locked in a prison world. If there's one thing fans loved about The Vampire Diaries it was the steamy and romantic relationships between Elena and the Salvatore brothers. Elena Gilbert is unfortunately the main female character, the main protagonist and the heroine of Template:The Vampire Diaries. Klaus turns to violence to convince Damon and Elena that no one will be safe until he finds Stefan and gets his family back. Jake) is an Original Vampire/Warlock Hybrid, the first of his kind. A very special, very beautiful, very angelic girl. Stefan responds with no, pushing Klaus away. Elena gave a small smile and a nod before she started heading to the door, with Elijah close behind.